Using Delphi Firedac to compact and repair a MS Access Database.

Rad Studio Delphi Development
Over the years Delphi Firedac continues to grow as a robust programming language. Delphi Firedac provides a new way to compact and repair a database. The tools provide developers with components or services that create superb applications. Delphi Firedac provides a unique set of Universal Data Access Components for developing multi-device database applications. This will show the older method of compacting and repairing MS Access databases. The code listed below demonstrates the process. Very straight forward you need to create the object, populate the commands and you are ready to go. function CompactAndRepair(DB: string): Boolean; var v: OLEvariant; begin Result := True; try v := CreateOLEObject('JRO.JetEngine'); try V.CompactDatabase('Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source='+DB, 'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source='+DB+'compacted;Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5'); DeleteFile(DB); RenameFile(DB+'compacted',DB); finally V := Unassigned; end; except Result := False; end; end; Delphi Firedac now has…
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Expert Delphi by Paweł Głowacki

Book Reviews, Rad Studio Delphi Development
Expert Delphi by Paweł Głowacki   After reading the latest book from Author Pawel Glowacki the feeling of fresh FireMonkey Delphi material left an excellent karma.  It should be part of anyone's Delphi Library since it has great reference material.  The book was written by Pawel Glowacki whom is Embarcadero's European Technical Lead for Developer Tools. The book begins with a basic primer on Delphi helping you get accustomed to the IDE and the Object Pascal language.  It quickly moves into advanced concepts dealing with FireMonkey.  You should be able to build server-side services, create new Internet of Things (IOT) and integrate your applet with web services to deploy them to market. As always the pricing from PackT is on the mark.  The writing is very clear at 506 pages and…
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