Chances of making a successful mobile app

Chances of making a successful mobile app

Very sad news on the changes of making a successful mobile app to make you millions of dollars is next to nothing at this point.  Check the following web page with the similar concerns of getting the first cool million dollars.  The article is stating that most mobile developers are making next to poverty amounts.

Now this is a sorry state of affairs that you cannot make an amount of cash that would help pay the mortgage.

By 2015, 60 percent of app developers were earning under the poverty line, making profits of less than $500 per month. Older statistics indicate that 80 percent of developers don’t earn enough to turn their development into viable businesses. But things are improving; more money is being paid out, so surely developers are being paid more, right? Well, as it stands, Apple’s App Store and Google’s Play Store are horribly stacked in favor of the largest players in the market, and the current trend would seem to indicate that this divide will only grow, despite the fact that barriers to entry to the market are apparently falling. After all, with a mere $124 you can get access to both the Apple and Google app stores — and with that, access to tens (soon to be hundreds) of billions of app downloads.

This brings everything to the forefront, can you survive development of a mobile app on the Apple store ?  The yearly fee must come into mind so that any profit is paying for getting the app approved and on the store.

Very sad when you take into consideration what software you are using to develop the product.